Ingredients that can cause weight gain

 Ingredients that can cause weight gain

 Last step 7

OK so we have established what we need to eat and what we need to stay away from, however food companies are making it very difficult for us to eat 100% healthy. We are being tricked so much we cant even see it. Sometimes we are buying a wheat bread thinking we are making a healthy choice, but when you turn the package around to look at the ingredients, you find out that the wheat has been striped of all its natural health benefits, it has High Fructose Corn Syrup, Trans Fat, and many ingredients we cant even pronounce. In this section we will teach you about the top (5) ingredients to look for and to keep away from.

                     Artificial Flavors... 

This man-made ingredient is used to save money and put chemicals in our body that we cannot digest. Most of us have bought guacamole dip thinking we are eating heart healthy, however, must guacamole dips don't even have guacamole, there are spiked with artificial flavors, High Fructose Corn Syrup and other non-natural ingredients. The thing to start learning, is that we are being tricked by many big food companies, thinking we are making the right choice and putting the wrong things in our body. This is why it has been so hard to lose weight in the past, now we finally know what choices we need to make to get out of this hole. Artificial flavors can be found on everything from soda to jam to chips. Stay away from these unhealthy ingredients. Basically, if you cannot pronounce it, don't eat it.

              High Fructose Corn Syrup...

 Another man-made ingredient used as a sweetener. The rate of obesity in the U.S.A. has increased over 70% since 1970, around the same time HFCS was introduced into our packaged foods. It is heavy on calories and has zero nutritional value. It is found on everything from cereal to soda to cakes. The bad thing about this ingredient is that it adds tons of calories o your diet, without you even knowing it.

             Partially Hydrogenated Oil... 

We are on a pattern here, another man-made ingredient. This one equals "Trans Fat". This is a killer fat. Companies use it in their products so they have a longer shelve life, as an artificial flavoring and because it flat out cost cheap. This product is a must to keep away from. It is also found in a lot of restaurants and fast food chains, especially in french fries and baked goods. Or bodies were not made to consume this fat and can cause everything from heart attacks to clogged arteries.

          Refined Grains (Enriched Flour)...

 All grains are naturally whole and full of fiber and vitamins. Few companies offer this, most offer refined grains, which are grains that have been stripped and modified from their natural composition. They usually remove the germ and bran. Why? so they can get more product for their money and you, pay the price, health wise. Usually about 75% of fiber is gone, carbs are raised, protein is lowered and riboflavin drops 80% when eating refined grains. Make sure when you buy bread, it states 100% whole grain. Don't settle for anything else.


Most of the salt we eat does not come from our salt shaker at home, it comes from processed foods that contain a high amount of sodium. Most companies use high amounts of sodium to flavor their foods, realizing the impact it is making on peoples health but not caring. Always check the labels to make sure the sodium levels are very low, sodium is a quite killer that causes high blood pressure and strokes.


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