ingredients to stay far from to lose weight
ingredients to stay far from to lose weight
Step 6
Some foods in this world are just plain out bad for you. They make you fat, take all your energy away, and destroy your body inside. The worst part is some of these foods seem harmless. These are the top 10 foods to avoid at all cost.
If this was always your base for cooking, start your switch to Olive Oil now. Butter is super high in fat and sodium and offers no nutritional health benefits. Olive oil is great for your heart, cholesterol and makes your food taste 100 times better, trust me, you will love your foods so much more and your heart will thank you for it.
Cake and Pastries...
Most cakes and pastries are full of sugar and processed wheat flour, giving you nothing but empty calories that go straight to your waist. Stay away even from those that claim "All Natural Ingredients". Instead of cake or pie, try having some fruit for dessert.
Candy Bars...
It seems like these big companies don't care about our health, why are they still making these high fat (including trans fat), high sugar foods? all candy is, is nothing but empty calories, you eat it and you feel no difference in your hunger level, it all goes to your waist and makes you feel fat. If you need a sweet, stick to fruit.
One of mans best discoveries, however we have ruined this great food. Most cheeses in the market are all processed with chemicals and take away most of its natural wonder. There are some cheeses you can have sparingly, try Queso Manchego from Spain, it is all natural and made from free-roaming sheep, but remember, all cheeses are high in fat, so only eat it as a treat, and only about 1 OZ.
Do we really have to tell you how bad soda is for you? it is nothing but sugar with artificial ingredients and loaded with carbs, giving you nothing but empty calories. Presently, some of you will say, "What about diet pop?". for sure it has no calories, yet it has altogether more fake trimmings than normal pop.At then, at that point, end, to remain fit and feel incredible, you want to avoid fake fixings. At then end, in order to stay fit and feel great, you need to stay away from artificial ingredients. If you need a refreshing drink, stick to water, homemade iced tea, or a 12 oz. beer.
I know, one of our favorite snacks and they go great with sandwiches, however all types of chips are nothing but high in fat and fill you up on empty calories that go straight to your waist. If you are looking for a crunch, try snacking on multi-grain crackers with some hummus, or try raw red bell peppers and carrots, both are super tasty and full of health benefits.
TV Dinners/Any Frozen "ready to eat" Foods...
Most of these easy to make in the microwave foods are full of artificial ingredients and hidden ingredients. Ever notice when you buy a frozen turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and peas, their are about 50 ingredients, most of which you cannot pronounce or even heard of? Even when you try to buy the "Lean" or "Low Fat" version, these are still foods that make you fat, because the are so high in sodium. If you are short on time to eat, look at our recipes section for some quick dinners that give you much better tasting food, plus you will know what you are putting in your body.
Canned and Packaged Meats...
Sodium! Sodium! Sodium! usually (1) serving has about 70% of your daily sodium intake. Why is to much sodium bad for you health? well, for one it increases blood pressure which can lead to heart attacks and/or strokes. Yes we need to use salt in some of our foods to enhance the flavor, however, when we cook it, we can control the amount. All canned and packaged meats are extremely high in sodium, even when they state "Low Sodium".
Red Meat...
Everybody knows that red meat is not good for you, sure it has loads of protein, but it also has tons of fat, cholesterol, and considering how cows are treated theses days, full of anti-biotics. If protein is what you seek, stick to grilled skinless chicken breast or any type of grilled fish, including shellfish, or even some tasty black beans.
White Bread...
Why are we told that this is so bad? well to start off, you can eat bread in your life and stay slim! however, you should only eat whole wheat bread. All bread is made is made of wheat, when white bread is made, it is striped of all its nutrients and all you get is carbs with little fiber, whole wheat bread keeps most of its nutrients and a good piece has about 4 grams of fiber. Fiber is very important in your diet, as it makes you regular, and keeps you full. Basically white bread is just empty calories and has no health benefits.
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