Healthy Eating Plan to Help you Lose Weight

 Healthy Eating Plan to Help you Lose Weight

 Step 3

Just because you are on a diet, does not mean you have to cut out all food and starve yourself! you are allowed to eat! We are going to give you an eating plan that can help you get through your day. Again, before starting any of this, you should contact your doctor to consult you, on losing weight.

Most people think that if they cut out breakfast, it will help them in losing weight, the truth is, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, whether you are on a diet or not. If you are one of those people that have been skipping breakfast, you have been playing a bad game with your health. We will help you on starting your day, so you can feel better than you have ever felt.

We recommend that you eat (4) meals a day, all these meals will make you feel full (not so full where you cant move), give you energy, and not make you tired, like most other foods. Ever notice when you have pancakes for breakfast, about 2 hours later your eyes lids weigh about 20 pounds and you can barely keep them open? Here are the eating schedules.


First thing you should have is an 8 oz. glass of water, an 8 oz. glass of orange juice (Not from concentrate) and a hot tea or coffee before eating. For your meal, we recommend the Blueberry Parfait, from our recipes section: A bowl with 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup non-fat yogurt, and 7 raw walnuts all mixed together. For a drink have a 8 oz glass of vegetable juice, such as low sodium V8. This breakfast will give you tons of energy and make you feel amazing throughout your morning. For more healthy breakfast recipes, visit our Breakfast Recipes section.


This is a difficult meal for us that work 9 to 5. Sometimes your co-workers want to go out to eat, to say McDonalds, so it is hard to take your own lunch everyday. In the section "Eating Out" there are tons of great pointers for situations like these. Otherwise, when you do eat your home made lunch, you need you have a good meal that will take you into the afternoon and not make you want to munch on junk 2 hours later. To get some healthy lunch recipes, visit our Lunch Recipes section.


This should happen around 5:00PM. It takes the edge of your hunger so you don't eat like an animal at dinner and it takes your mind away from dreaming of what's for dinner. We recommend: 5 Olives with a handful of almonds and a beer or glass of red wine. All three of these are great for your heart, cholesterol and make you feel great. For more healthy snack ideas, visit our Snack Recipes section.


This meal is meant to end your day. No more food after this! This is where you can have a great meal at home with your loved ones or by yourself, either way, always make it special, with a candle and some soft music in the background. Some great dinner dishes found on our recipes section are: Tilapia dinner, Cod in tomato sauce, BBQ Salmon, BBQ Shrimp with garlic, Whole Wheat pizza, Penne pasta with shrimp, and many more. To get the full list of our healthy dinner recipes, visit our Dinner Recipes section.


Try to drink at least 72 oz. a day (about 5 regular sized bottled waters). Force yourself to drink, as this keeps your body feeling refreshed and full all day long.

The main key to remember is to enjoy your food, slow down when you eat, most of us tend to eat are food so fast, we don't allow our stomachs to process what we ate, so we eat a lot more than we are supposed to. Enjoy every bite and chew each mouthful slowly. Always sit down when you eat, no excuse, enjoy your food, don't rush through it.


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